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Машина на прокат в Америке

19.10.11 20:16
Re: Машина на прокат в Америке
Strulli завсегдатай
strulli: tell me this can i pay cash for staying over night in usa ?
strulli :not per credit card just with that goody good $$$ papers ?
henry moore: yeah you can
strulli: do you know why the people then pay it per card?
henry moore: it the american way
henry moore: plus you do not want alots of cash on you because you will get jack
strulli: what to do not to be jacked?
henry moore: do not flash money around and know where you are at
strulli: why the leasing ride companies asking to pay with credit card ? is there sumething underground or what?
henry moore: because that make sure they get paid and something happen there got you card number to get there
Tanja: but i could pay it cash too right?
henry moore: yeah
henry moore: most company like credit card because cash get lost of stoleing peoples who work there this way they know it on paper so no lost
henry moore: call me so I do not have to explain this to you

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