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Питание при диабете

16.06.19 23:08
Re: Питание при диабете
Simple Nothing is f*cked
в ответ Van Doren 15.06.19 16:39, Последний раз изменено 16.06.19 23:14 (Simple)

The effect of low-carbohydrate diets on insulin secretion may be two-fold. As mentioned above, low-carbohydrate diets decrease circulating glucose concentrations resulting in a rapid reversal of the ‘glucotoxicity’ to pancreatic beta cells. However, lower insulin concentrations with low-carbohydrate diets also results in increased lipolysis and higher concentrations of circulating nonesterified fatty acids(NEFA). With chronic exposure to elevated NEFA,there is impairment in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion which could worsen glucose tolerance,especially in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance or a family history of diabetes (contact authors for references). This ‘lipotoxicity’ of increased lipid delivery to beta cells, and impairment of insulin secretion, may depend on accumulation of pancreatic triglycerides [17], and is less likely to occur if the low-carbohydrate diet also leads to weight loss.

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