
программирование, курсы для детей оффлайн.

18.02.24 21:19
Re: программирование, курсы для детей оффлайн.
Отпускник завсегдатай
in Antwort alex445 18.02.24 10:21

офигеть, при сталине в .net framework такой херни не было

interface IA
    void M() { WriteLine("IA.M"); }

A class that implements this interface need not implement its concrete method.


class C : IA { } // OK

IA i = new C();
i.M(); // prints "IA.M"

The final override for IA.M in class C is the concrete method M declared in IA. Note that a class does not inherit members from its interfaces; that is not changed by this feature:


new C().M(); // error: class 'C' does not contain a member 'M'


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