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Полёт к МАРСУ!

06.03.18 10:51
Re: Полёт к МАРСУ!
tanatana завсегдатай
There has been much debate about whether the globe curvature is measurable. If the earth is a globe, of the size we are told, then it must curve downward from the observer at a rate of 6 feet in 3 miles and 24 feet in 6 miles. Many tests have indicated that even at 3 miles the required 6 feet of curvature is not observed. Counter claims that the distance is too small or that it is refraction which produces the still visible portion of the object must be overcome to establish the facts. Это выдержка с этого сайта. Здесь речь идёт о том, что множество проведенных опытов на расстоянии в почти 5 км. не дают должного "закругления" поверхности Земли.


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