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и опять про Чехию​

20.10.21 12:27
Re: и опять про Чехию​
Шмопсель-мопсель коренной житель

Кстати, туристы из ЕС могут воспользоваться государственными курортными ваучерами.

Достаточно просто на сайте

указать свое ФИО и мыло. На почту приходит код. Ваучер на сумму 4000 крон.

Ваучер принимают в санаториях и велнессах по всей ЧР при проживании не менее 6 дней.

Программа работает - проверено.

Principal conditions for granting a discount

  • The Government of the Czech Republic is offering a discount of CZK 4,000 per stay in spa facilities to help the spa sector mitigate the negative effects of the Covid-19 infection on health tourism.
  • The discount will solely be provided for self-payed healing and preventive stays in spa facilities, which are listed on this website
  • The voucher entitles the client to receive a discount on stay (of at least 6 nights, incl. 5 procedures) in the amount of CZK 4,000 (for more information about eligible stay see the text below).
  • The discount does not apply to stays carried out under public health insurance (comprehensive and contributory spa care).
  • The discount can be redeemed only by a person over the age of 18 years (EU/EEA citizens).
  • If you fill out the voucher incorrectly, do not use it and generate a new one from the website.

Conditions of stay:

  • The minimum length of stay to be entitled to get a discount is set at 6 consecutive nights – the voucher can only be used once; it is not possible to divide the discount of CZK 4,000 into more stays.
  • To obtain a discount the consumer must purchase a minimum of 5 medical rehabilitation procedures for the stay.
  • The stay must take place in the period from 1 July 2020 to 31 Decenber 2021.
  • The discount only applies to adults and self-payed stays; the discount is not applicable to children's stays or spa treatments covered by health insurance.
  • The discount will be applied after submitting the eight-digit code identifying the voucher, which the consumer will generate on this page

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