
Украинский футбол

22.08.18 13:38
Re: Украинский футбол
germany.hessen старожил
in Antwort v0id* 22.08.18 02:29

К сожалению, заблуждаешься. Это такой же тезис "как Крым всегда был русским". А стал он более русским только после массового завоза русских из западной части РСФСР в 1940-х. То же самое и с Карабахом.
"In 1823, 8.4% (9%) of the population in total of Karabakh was Armenian.[34] After the transfer of the Karabakh Khanate to Russia, many Muslim families immigrated to Persia, while many Armenians were induced by the Russian government to emigrate from Persia to Karabakh.[35] Russia’s population policy changed the figures, and therefore, Armenian population formed 35% of the population in 1832, and 53% in 1880. Growth of Armenian population in Karabakh is explained with the “increasing migration of Armenians to Mountanious Karabakh or an exodus of Muslims from the region.” Владимир Белинский. "СТРАНА МОКСЕЛЬ"

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