Germany.ruForen → Архив Досок→ Schengenabkommen und Europäische Union

Информация из SIS

07.06.17 13:33
Re: Информация из SIS
dimafogo коренной житель
in Antwort Tamara_13_16 07.06.17 13:26, Zuletzt geändert 07.06.17 13:35 (dimafogo)
Может кто нибуть знает, возможно ли получить информацию из SIS и как это сделаь?

What is the procedure for requesting access to personal data in the SIS?

If you believe your personal information has been misused, needs to be corrected or deleted, you can request access to and rectification of your data. If you are a third-country national you can address your request to the consulate of any Schengen State. If you are a citizen of a Schengen State you can either address your request directly to the competent national authority responsible for the issuance of the alert or indirectly to the national Data Protection Authority.
Guidelines on the national procedures for access requests have been compiled by the national Data Protection Authorities.

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