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А как сейчас с работой?

25.11.21 12:42
Re: А как сейчас с работой?
Murr патриот
in Antwort Murr 25.11.21 12:19

На мой отказ от позиции как не профильной мне прислали профильную вакансию:

Role: C# Developer

Job Type: Contract/ Permanent

Location: Remote

Job Description:

Technical Skills:

Mandatory skills required – PowerShell

Less mandatory skills – Jenkins, Github, Ansible; DevOps process in general

Useful skills – Citrix, VMware, Azure, Windows/Linux server management.

Process Skills:

Capable of analyzing requirements and automate software as per project defined software process

Behavioral Skills:

Resolve technical issues of projects and Explore alternate designs

Participates as a team member and fosters teamwork by inter-group coordination within the modules of the project.

Effectively collaborates and communicates with the stakeholders and ensure client satisfaction

Train and coach members of project groups to ensure effective knowledge management activity.


Чего Я не понимаю - почему они не хотят использовать кого-нибудь в Индии для написания шарпового кода повершелом...


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