Germany.ruForen → Архив Досок→ Programmierung

​Сколько это может стоить?

15.08.17 11:56
​Сколько это может стоить?
Murr патриот

Сколько это может стоить?

BS degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or other related engineering field with a minimum of 5 years of experience in software development.

 A strong understanding of software design and systems & architecture concepts and their application in a professional environment within a software team structure.

 Understanding of software development lifecycle methodologies, including Agile.

 Experience with and proficiency in:

o C++/C

o Multi-threaded C#/.NET development

o VxWorks operating System

o Experience with serial protocols (rs232, rs485, rs422) and TCP/IP and socket development and knowledge of Windows networking fundamentals (IP protocol, switches, routers)

 Additionally, experience with the following is an advantage

o Developing with relational databases, SQL server preferred

o Experience with electro/opto-mechanical instrumentation development, robotics, motion control and sensors

o Profiling and throughput optimization

o Experience with Unix/Linus System Programming

o Experience with ActiveX, COM+, WCF, CORBA

o Image capture and image processing software development

 Demonstrated ability to comprehend and debug complex software systems

 Excellent written and oral communication and interpersonal skills are essential

 Experience working in a regulated (FDA) environment with medical instrumentation is a plus

Это - американцы в Ирландии, новая бранча в процессе становления, планируется до 300-500 рабочих мест.

Резюме из меня выбивали месяца три-четыре - звонили и писали регулярно, все было срочно.

Потом пропали на месяц. Сейчас - прислали спеку,.

Прочитав спеку понимаю что мне туда не хочется. безум


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