
пребывание в стране

15.04.21 20:07
Re: пребывание в стране
Remnick прохожий

Если погуглить, то многие сайты говорят о том, что в то время, как в Германии нет "retirement visa", можно обратиться за временным ВНЖ. Одобрение - не гарантировано.

"Getting a retirement German visa is not guaranteed and is subject to the discretion of immigration authorities, although it may be easier in certain cases, for example, if you are joining a family member living in Germany. Read more on German residence permits.

For all third-country nationals, the initial visa issued is a temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis), which is typically valid for one year, but can be longer depending on your circumstances. Unless your circumstances have changed, the renewal process is generally a formality. After a five-year period, both third-country and EU nationals can receive a settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis)."


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