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Случай с натурализацией украинки в NRW

21.01.14 12:50
Re: Случай с натурализацией украинки в NRW
dimafogo коренной житель
in Antwort Mamuas 21.01.14 12:24
В ответ на:
Еще как возможно, если по-английски.

Хмм.. не думаю, что при переводе с украинского/русского на немецкий английский играль какую-то роль...
А вообще, да, каждая страна понимает эти два понятия по-своему:
В ответ на:
United States nationality law defines some persons born in U.S. outlying possessions as U.S. nationals but not citizens. British nationality law defines six classes of British national, among which "British citizen" is one class (and the only one having the right of abode in the United Kingdom). Similarly, in the Republic of China, commonly known as Taiwan, the status of national without household registration applies to people who have Republic of China nationality, but do not have an automatic entitlement to enter or reside in the Taiwan Area, and do not qualify for civic rights and duties there. Under the nationality laws of Mexico, Colombia, and some other Latin American countries, nationals do not become citizens until they turn 18.


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