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Цифры ползут вверх. Кто заражается: привитые или непривитые?

20.08.21 21:03
Re: Цифры ползут вверх. Кто заражается: привитые или непривитые?
Van Doren патриот
Van Doren
в ответ Max33333 20.08.21 19:29

Many seroprevalence studies have been conducted worldwide with the aim of estimating the true numbers of infections and resulting IFRs. Also in Germany, several local seroprevalence studies are being conducted (e.g. [1]); a completed study from the early phase of the pandemic in the high-prevalence region of Gangelt, Heinsberg, reports an estimated population-averaged IFR of 0.41% (95% confidence interval [0.33%; 0.52%]), based on 8 observed deaths until 20th of April 2020 [2]. Overviews of completed studies from a wide range of countries can for example be found in [3] and [4]. The meta-analysis of Meyerowitz-Katz et al. [3] yields an estimated population-averaged IFR of 0.68% [0.53%; 0.82%], while in the meta-analysis of Ioannidis [4] estimated population-averaged IFRs range from 0.02% to 0.86% with a median IFR of 0.26%. Although the two meta-analyses differ heavily regarding their results and conclusions, both observe a high heterogeneity in population-averaged IFR estimates among different studies and emphasize the importance of obtaining reliable age-stratified estimates. Estimating effective IFR during the course of the COVID-19...

0,41%, 0,68%, 0,26%. И с тех пор IFR падает дальше. На сегодня никак не выше гриппа.


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