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LCHF vs Кето- диеты

22.01.19 13:29
Re: LCHF vs Кето- диеты
Van Doren коренной житель
Van Doren

Эффекты кетогенной диеты на кардиоваскулярные факторы риска

Результаты противоречивы, некоторые улучшения в отношении ожирения и диабета второго типа наблюдались, но, к сожалению, эти эффекты ограничены по времени. Более того, эти диеты не вполне безопасны, и могут нанести вред. Особенно стоит отметить развитие жирового гепатоза и резистентности к инсулину в грызунах.

Публикация приведённая vgostjaxuskaski весьма неплоха. И в целом подтверждает мои слова.

The observations of Noto et al. [60] are also relevant in this regard. These authors assessed the effects of low-carbohydrate diets on probability of mortality, by way of a systematic review and a meta-analysis of the available observational studies. 17 studies were included in total, containing the data of 272,216 people of which 15,981 (5.9%) were reported dead. The results showed that the risk of mortality under conditions of LCHF diets was significantly higher. In accordance with these findings, many insiders feel that an LCHF diet should only be recommended for persons suffering from overweight and pre-diabetes or type-2 diabetes, for the reduction of bodyweight and hyperglycemia risks. They recommend that the diet only be followed under strict medical and nutritional supervision.Regarding the question whether long-term LCHF diets may pose health risks it should also be noted that a series of recent animal experiments and human studies into the effects of an LCHF diet, for example, show adverse effects in cholesterol, homocysteine, vascular elasticity parameters have been observed during LCHF, indicating that any potential adverse long-term effects of an LCHF vascular health cannot be ruled out
In addition, adverse effects as result of high-fat exposure were reported in the following areas: brain, cognition, memory, mental well-being, Alzheimer’s, autistic behaviour [33, 34, 6163]; obesity, metabolic dysfunction, inflammation, liver damage, cardiometabolic risks’ [34, 38, 6468]; risks of cancer [66, 69]; osteoporosis [70]. In elegant animal models, Cani et al. [71] clearly demonstrated that high fat feeding, which induces low intakes of fermentable dietary fibers, may lead to intestinal microbiota changes which are associated with an increased intestinal permeability resulting in endotoxemia and triggers for inflammation and metabolic disorders (note: the examples are only given as an illustration, not for an exhaustive picture).

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