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У кого какой уровень "гамма" установлен на мониторе?​

30.10.17 21:48
Re: У кого какой уровень "гамма" установлен на мониторе?​
Maikop коренной житель
в ответ stein 26.10.17 20:17

У мну Gamma1, Gamma2, Gamma3, без расшифровки значений.

Вот что нашёл:

The screen offers 3 preset gamma modes via the OSD menu, so we tested the other two as well in case either were more accurate than the default Mode1. In gamma mode 2, average gamma was measured at 2.6 (18% out), which was now further away from the 2.2 target. The rest of the measurements and results remained basically the same as above. Gamma mode 3 was unfortunately even further out at 2.8 (27%). It also had a negative impact on colour accuracy with dE at 5.2 average and 9.9 max. Switching to Mode2 and then Mode3 also introduced more banding in colour gradients which of course you want to avoid. I would recommend sticking with Mode1 for the most accurate starting point for this screen. Calibration with a hardware device would be preferred to correct the gamma curves.

Стояло на двойке, поменял на 1.

Не сочтите меня параноиком, но мне кажется, что кто-то постоянно читает то, что я здесь пишу.

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