

27.02.24 13:24
Re: Война.
resort коренной житель
в ответ MarS82 27.02.24 11:26

Appeasement is a diplomatic strategy. It means making concessions to an aggressive foreign power in order to avoid war. The best known example of appeasement is British foreign policy towards Nazi Germany in the 1930s. In popular memory, appeasement is primarily associated with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (in office, 1937–1940). However, appeasement of Nazi Germany was also the policy of his predecessors, James Ramsay MacDonald (1929–1935) and Stanley Baldwin (1935–1937).

In the 1930s, British leaders pursued appeasement because they wanted to avoid a second world war.

Товарищ, верь: взойдет она, Звезда пленительного счастья, Россия вспрянет ото сна, И на обломках самовластья Напишут наши имена!

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