
Разрушенная европа

03.10.22 11:20
Re: Разрушенная европа
Lioness патриот
в ответ QwerT2007 03.10.22 11:08, Последний раз изменено 03.10.22 11:21 (Lioness)

Вполне можете игнорировать The Washington Post. Я думаю, что им были виднЕе секретные приказы Путина, которые Вы тут требуете показать.

The Washington Post

According to the intelligence, the Russians would come from the north, on either side of Kyiv. One force would move east of the capital through the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv, while the other would flank Kyiv on the west, pushing southward from Belarus through a natural gap between the “exclusion zone” at the abandoned Chernobyl nuclear plant and surrounding marshland. The attack would happen in the winter so that the hard earth would make the terrain easily passable for tanks. Forming a pincer around the capital, Russian troops planned to seize Kyiv in three to four days. The Spetsnaz, their special forces, would find and remove President Volodymyr Zelensky, killing him if necessary, and install a Kremlin-friendly puppet government.
Ну что, Данила-мастер, не вышла чаша по Катькиному цветку? ("Каменный цветок")

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