
Поправки в конституцию России.

29.07.20 14:13
Re: Поправки в конституцию России.
Mendel_ коренной житель
в ответ ЗДРАСТЕ 29.07.20 13:57, Последний раз изменено 29.07.20 14:15 (Mendel_)

"нa вoпрoс «Ктo изoбрёл кoмпьютeр?»"

Персональный компьютер..

1974 saw the introduction of what is considered by many to be the first true "personal computer", the Altair 8800 created by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS).[22][23] Based on the 8-bit Intel 8080 Microprocessor,[24] the Altair is widely recognized as the spark that ignited the microcomputer revolution[25] as the first commercially successful personal computer.[26]The computer bus designed for the Altair was to become a de facto standard in the form of the S-100 bus, and the first programming language for the machine was Microsoft's founding product, Altair BASIC

А в Вашем компьютере какой процессор?

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