

18.10.19 18:11
Re: Русофобия
kiddy Забанен до 1/7/24 19:00 коренной житель
в ответ Hirn 18.10.19 17:19
Вот свеженькая книга вышла…

Stalin signed a pact with Hitler because the architects of appeasement in London and Paris turned down all Soviet offers to form a common front against Hitler. And the appeasers turned down those offers because they hoped that Hitler would march east and destroy the Soviet Union, a job they sought to facilitate by offering him a “springboard” in the guise of Czechoslovak territory. It is virtually certain that, without the pact, Hitler would have attacked the Soviet Union in 1939. Because of the pact, however, Hitler had to wait two years before he would finally be able to launch his anti-Soviet crusade. This provided the Soviet Union with the extra time and space that permitted its defences to be improved just enough to survive the onslaught when Hitler finally sent his dogs of war to the East in 1941.The Red Army suffered terrible losses but eventually managed to stop the Nazi juggernaut. Without this Soviet success, an achievement described by the historian Geoffrey Roberts as “the greatest feat of arms in world history,” Germany would very likely have won the war, because they would have gained control of the petroleum fields of the Caucasus, the rich agricultural lands of the Ukraine, and many other riches of the vast land of the Soviets. Such a triumph would have transformed Nazi Germany into an inexpungable superpower, capable of waging even long-term wars against anyone, including an Anglo-American alliance. A victory over the Soviet Union would have given Nazi Germany hegemony over Europe. Today, on the continent, the second language would not be English, but German, and in Paris the fashionistas would promenade up and down the Champs Elysees in Lederhosen.

Аффтар содрал с советского учебника, российского у меня нет но подозреваю что там еще похлеще написано что пакт Молотова Риббентропа рулит. Как это Гитлер напал бы на СССР если бы войска стояли на старой границе и реально готовились к обороне. Не по численности не по технике Советская Армия не уступала Вермахту, при том что Вермахт вел войну со всей Британской империей. Вести войну на 2 фронта при таком раскладе Гитлер бы не решился.

Просто надоело ваше вранье. Вот как историки будущего будут описывать российско украинскую войну, если официальных российских данных какие части участвовали, сколько захватчиков погибло засекречены. Лев Шлоссберг попытался узнать получил по голове и такая же бодяга и с корейской войной и похождениями ихтамнетов на Ближнем Востоке.

Корабль уродов, где твой штурвал и снасть"You know, they've built a George Orwell memorial in Russia!" 'What? Where?" "Pretty much everywhere."

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