
Табу на секс учителя с учениками?

26.09.16 16:45
Re: Табу на секс учителя с учениками?
  Barinov коренной житель
в ответ Barinov 18.09.16 20:13, Последний раз изменено 26.09.16 16:46 (Barinov)


Biology teacher who had sex with five students spared jail

Some sex acts are believed to have taken place on school property, according to officials

A biology teacher who admitted to having sex with five 17-year-old pupils has been spared jail.

Marquita Alston pleaded guilty to five counts of statutory rape at the Pearl Cohn Entertainment Magnet High School in Nashville, Tennessee.

The police were alerted to her actions after the school’s principal, Sonia Stewart, was sent a tip-off.

In addition to her probation, Ms Alston will have to undergo treatment, the details of which have not been specified.



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