
Вопрос к водителям в Баварии

21.02.24 20:31
Re: Вопрос к водителям в Баварии
Andrey_Stuttgart завсегдатай
в ответ tbd 21.02.24 19:06

Слушай, дружище, а вот это вот ЧТО:

Не многовато ли обиженных, раз в Брюсселе целая Еврокомиссия собирается и пытается урегулировать вопрос? Вот повторение моих тезисов слово в слово:

The growing diversity of fuels available on the market implies an increasing need to provide drivers with clear and straightforward information on the compatibility of the fuels sold at filling stations and on their vehicles. The increasing diversity of fuel denominations and brands can sometimes lead to confusion for consumers and businesses, especially in a free-movement area such as the European Union. That is why Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure requires EU member states and EEA states to improve the information given to consumers who are faced with such a choice of fuels for their vehicle. In order to help consumers select the appropriate fuel for their vehicles throughout Europe, new labelling requirements have been agreed for newly produced vehicles and fuel filling stations. The newly common fuel labels will provide improved information in a harmonized and easy-to-read manner.

...These labels will be placed on the nozzles of all filling pumps, on the pumps themselves and in the immediate proximity of the fuel filler flap/cap of newly produced passenger cars, mopeds, motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles, light commercial vehicles, heavy-duty commercial vehicles and buses and coaches. They should also appear in the vehicle owner's manual, and they may appear in the electronic handbook available via a vehicle's infotainment centre.


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