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For beginners: A simple talk about everything

Осень-der-Herbst прохожий28.06.06 16:39
28.06.06 16:39 
Hi to all together!
I'v got an idea: We will learn here from correting of our mistakes!
When you can correct the mistakes, please do it.
I have learned English for about 10 years, but I can't talk in English still.
Perhaps I have not enought of love for English?
My German is perfect, it wasn't difficult for me.
jetdriver прохожий29.06.06 13:21
NEW 29.06.06 13:21 
in Antwort Осень-der-Herbst 28.06.06 16:39
I sent a p.m. to you, i couldn't write on this forum, now i can.
Just wait: there is allways somebody here who corect you!!!