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вспомнить английский

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~kleine Hexe~ прохожий04.06.07 16:42
04.06.07 16:42 
Последний раз изменено 04.06.07 20:00 (~kleine Hexe~)
Всем привет!
Ситуация следующая: английский изучался 5 лет назад (в школе))....На протяжении 5 лет акцент был сделан на немецком ,который "вытеснил" малость английский (а точнее, анлгийский был "благополучно забыт" )
На данный момент могу только в принципе читать (если слова знакомые,то без словаря.....).....и ответить на простейшие вопросы (типа где живете ,как вас зовут)
Грамматику не помню совсем
Соответственно вопрос.....Как "освежить" знания быстро (по-хорошему, максимум месяц), чтобы вспомнить хотя бы "азы" грамматики,что бы самой начать "воспроизводить" предложения-вопросы-ответы...?
5 лет назад был уровень intermedia........

Ирина_moth8 знакомое лицо10.06.07 18:22
NEW 10.06.07 18:22 
в ответ ~kleine Hexe~ 04.06.07 16:42
Добрый день! Меня зовут Ирина. Я живу в России и даже не знаю немецкого. Но я часто общаюсь на этом сайте со своими друзьями из Германии. Мне заинтересовалась вашей группой и хотела бы общаться с вами!
Can I enter in your group? I live in Russia (Volgograd), but I learn English and I would like to communicate with you at the both languages: Russian and English. I don▓t know English well, but I would like to do it excellently!
А насчет вспомнить азы английского - можно пообщаться. тем более, общаясь письменно можно легко вспомнить грамматику, разговорные обороты, да и просто приятно пообщаться!
airet коренной житель10.06.07 20:37
NEW 10.06.07 20:37 
в ответ Ирина_moth8 10.06.07 18:22
В ответ на:
Can I enter in your group?

You've done it already!
U_m_k_a местный житель10.06.07 21:34
NEW 10.06.07 21:34 
в ответ Ирина_moth8 10.06.07 18:22
May I correct it? I would write:
Could I join your group?
to communicate in languages
Instead of "but I would like to do it excellently" I would write "But I would like to perfect it."
Practice makes perfect.
Жизнь – это стойкое стремление к чему-то новому, лучшему, великолепному.
kat_kas постоялец10.07.07 17:19
NEW 10.07.07 17:19 
в ответ ~kleine Hexe~ 04.06.07 16:42
такая же фигня.. :)
I mean I have the same problem.. No Grammar any more.. no words.. even the word order is damaged.. through german..
Ich bin neu постоялец11.07.07 10:13
NEW 11.07.07 10:13 
в ответ kat_kas 10.07.07 17:19, Последний раз изменено 11.07.07 10:14 (Ich bin neu)
Oh! German is not THAT bad! The grammars are very similar! You jast have to notice some differences.
kat_kas постоялец11.07.07 13:32
NEW 11.07.07 13:32 
в ответ Ich bin neu 11.07.07 10:13
I don't say that the german grammar is SOOO bad . I meant I know at present the german grammar better than english one (judging by mistakes I have everything forgotten).. I always want to part the english verbs like in german sentence.. And I fail words to express myself.. Brr.. I suspect there is no cure but Reading, speaking etc.. As usual. MY problem lies in thinking that I've lost my english learning german.. brrrr.. sad.. I can#t keep up the both languages at a level at the same time.. Must I forget english for a while? until my German becomes stronger?..
Ich bin neu постоялец12.07.07 23:38
NEW 12.07.07 23:38 
в ответ kat_kas 11.07.07 13:32
Try to learn English through German or German through English. I mean use German books for learning English and vice versa. I don▓t think you can forget Russian
kat_kas постоялец13.07.07 10:58
NEW 13.07.07 10:58 
в ответ Ich bin neu 12.07.07 23:38

in what way? I guess it's the arduous task.... But if I wanna be an interpreter.. Anyway thanx for advise. Some day I dare to do thus.
Ich bin neu постоялец13.07.07 14:43
NEW 13.07.07 14:43 
в ответ kat_kas 13.07.07 10:58, Последний раз изменено 13.07.07 14:54 (Ich bin neu)
It was much easier to me, due to similarity of languages. Many things are much easier to understand in this way in both English and German. You certainly have to have some level of proficiency in at least one of the languages, at least in passive way.
lora! гость13.07.07 14:47
NEW 13.07.07 14:47 
в ответ kat_kas 13.07.07 10:58
May I join you? I would like to advise to find English-speaking person and begin to communicate with him or with her. As for me, I have a pan-friend from US (I have found him through the Internet). He perfectly helps me not to forget English. Sometimes it happens that I have no desire to write to him but I know he is waiting for my answer and ... I force myself to sit in front of a monitor and to write. It works! My German is not good at the moment. I am trying to learn it but it is a great pity for me to lose my English too! I think that the idea to communicate through the Enternet is great. May I stay with you here?
Ich bin neu постоялец13.07.07 14:59
NEW 13.07.07 14:59 
в ответ lora! 13.07.07 14:47
I vigorously agree with you. And sometimes funniest things happen! One of my pen pals, e.g., went to american army and now is moving to Germany!
kat_kas постоялец13.07.07 17:24
NEW 13.07.07 17:24 
в ответ lora! 13.07.07 14:47
thank U! Good idea! My German is not good as well.. that's why I can't learn English throug German (I think so. But perhaps I'm mistaken. ) My English is also far from good (as U'd noticed maybe), but
В ответ на:
it is a great pity for me to lose my English too!
I'd like to recover at least the level I had two-three years ago - more fluently speaking and writing.. and vocabulary of course..
В ответ на:
May I stay with you here?

with pleasure!
lora! гость15.07.07 22:19
NEW 15.07.07 22:19 
в ответ Ich bin neu 13.07.07 14:59
wow! This is great! Actually, the world is toooo small! I was not so successful with my pals. The saddest thing was when one of my friends stopped to answer me. She was very ill and fought for her life... I had been missing her messages for a long time. Will you meet your pen-pal from US in Germany? I think it would be very interesting to see someone who you has been in correspondence with!
lora! гость15.07.07 22:36
NEW 15.07.07 22:36 
в ответ kat_kas 13.07.07 17:24
I can tell only about me. It was always very good for me to do some exercises with keys, it's all the same in English or in German. In my opinion, this is one of very good ways to learn a foreign language. Than someone needs only an exercise-book and some diligence. But as for me, sometimes I am very lasy for it!! And you??
kat_kas постоялец16.07.07 11:11
NEW 16.07.07 11:11 
в ответ lora! 15.07.07 22:36, Последний раз изменено 16.07.07 11:12 (kat_kas)
It seems to me I can learn only in an extreme case( hmmm sounds not good.. not english, isn't it?).. Yes, I have an exercise-book but no diligence ...
<--------------- I'm rather like Garfield ...
But for me it is very imprortant to write at least here a couple of sentences, so many thanx for all replies to me and in advance for the following ones . It makes my brain activate a little bit ..
U_m_k_a местный житель16.07.07 21:15
NEW 16.07.07 21:15 
в ответ kat_kas 16.07.07 11:11
Nice cartoon!!! One could also say I'm like this Garfield
Жизнь – это стойкое стремление к чему-то новому, лучшему, великолепному.
lora! гость16.07.07 22:55
NEW 16.07.07 22:55 
в ответ kat_kas 16.07.07 11:11
В ответ на:
It seems to me I can learn only in an extreme case

It does not seem to you! It is sooo! We need some stress to remember things (and not only to remember: to live too)! Do you think I am another? I have tried to repeat new words a lot of times but I could not remember until I had to use them in a correspondence or in a conversation.
U_m_k_a местный житель17.07.07 00:59
NEW 17.07.07 00:59 
в ответ lora! 16.07.07 22:55
Learning a foreign language is a struggle! Without activating your memory, without trying to say sth., without thinking about the language you won't learn it. That is why it is so important to use the language while communicating and not only to listen or to read it.
Жизнь – это стойкое стремление к чему-то новому, лучшему, великолепному.
lora! посетитель17.07.07 21:50
NEW 17.07.07 21:50 
в ответ U_m_k_a 17.07.07 00:59
agree completely!!
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