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an_nao завсегдатай10.03.07 07:36
10.03.07 07:36 
The cartoon number one depicts market seller who sales organic food without pesticides, this because of sign on his stall. Further is shown an overweight woman who is shocked because of high price for organic food.
The message is in my opinion humorous as well as serious. The former because I find the general view funny and the letter because it is the message for us, that we buy organic food for excessive prices. This because of title, that the seller has not find a better explanation for the high prices like that they squash bugs by hand.
The cartoonist wants to make us think of what we buy and whether it is really worth for the price.
The picture number two depicts a man dressed like a businessman. He sit on the globe and eats up very hungry parts of it. The cartoon makes you think about danger threatening us and the world. The cartoonist wants to draw our attention to the problem of environment. On the one hand there are industries which destroy the environment because of outputting chemical gases, on the other hand it can be a warning, that the world resources are going end little by little. For this reason the message is to face as serious.
According to recent studies many people above all teens are not doing enough regular physical exercises. Lack of this cotribute to health problems and may lead to heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes. These diseases concerned many young people, who enter adult life out of shape.
The fitness trainer, Dave Stockman, describe in his article a few possibilities to promote good health, keep weight under control, relieve stress and even make you sleep better.
Only thirty minutes of aerobic activity are enough to increase your heart rate and the amount of oxygen burn your muscles. If you don´t have time to go to sports centre, Dave suggest to do a natural workout like to ride a bike to your school or getting off the bus a couple stations earlier and walking the rest of the way. The another possibility is to use your school lunch hour and play fun games like basketball or football with your friends.
But not only sport is important to stay fit also healthy nutrition.
We all need a balanced mixture of protein, these are to find in the meat and fish. For example bread and cereals deliver our organism with carbohydrates. The necessery fat you get for example from milk and other dairy products. And last not to forget your daily portion of vitamins, which are to find for example in fruit and vegetables.